
Welcome, welcome.

You have found your self here: on Ellie's semi-kept-up blog.

Lots of tidbits and nothingness reside here. Don't feel obligated to read anything.

If you're interested, here's a random blog I wrote (+photos) while traveling in New Zealand in 2012:

With love,


Monday, October 21, 2013

Don't let yourself get behind - it sucks less to do it now than to do it and 3 other things later.

I should really, really, really be reading my Intro to Music Therapy book and taking a test... but it has been such a long time since I've written on this blog that I feel the urge to hear a flurry of clicks on the keyboard.

Classes are three weeks in now. How that happened absolutely beats me. Suddenly I know people; we're joking around, walking to class without thinking about what building/room/class we're going to. I'm no longer guessing on which streets to turn on to get to class; that's in the BAG.

Music Therapy is cool, guys. I'm not just saying that because it's what I'm currently pursuing, I really mean it. It's awesome. Sometimes for class what we do is sit around in a circle with a bunch of random instruments, and for half an hour we improve; switching out instruments when we feel it, singing, leaving the beat and melody up to the group as a whole. It is possibly the most fun I have ever had in a class. There are other parts to the class - equally as interesting, if you can believe that - that have already challenged me on a sort of human, exposing, vulnerable level. Woo! That's the kind of learning I'm talkin' about, people!

Within these last couple of weeks I have learned a little bit of something I want to share with you:

if you work hard

and you keep the procrastinating at a minimum

and you don't watch too much tv or stay on facebook

if you sleep

and spend time in nature without your phone

drink water

and just generally wake up in the morning determined to find things you love about life:


I'm not talking about acing every test, or becoming top dog. I am talking about quality of life; learning to do things right, to not take short cuts, to love things because they are beautiful even when they are hard.

Write that on your sheet music and play it.