
Welcome, welcome.

You have found your self here: on Ellie's semi-kept-up blog.

Lots of tidbits and nothingness reside here. Don't feel obligated to read anything.

If you're interested, here's a random blog I wrote (+photos) while traveling in New Zealand in 2012:

With love,


Tuesday, December 25, 2007

MERRY CHRISTMAS, EVERYONE! I hope today is the best!

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Busted (literally)

Slow motion; it was all in slow motion. Our car sliding into the other lane; Kate saying ‘Oh God please help us’; the car hitting the back; me flinging my arms around Kate; us sitting in the car with Phil running towards us; grabbing at the door handle trying to open it to no avail. It was all a really bad dream that I wanted to erase. Wipe it out. I don’t want to dream that. I wish it never happened, but it did. It did. One moment I’m riding home from a fantastic day with grandma, grandpa, Phil and Kate, and the next I’m sitting in a totaled car, my ears ringing, heart pounding, knee throbbing and my neck snapped with whiplash. The turn of events was the strangest thing.
Kate and I got in a wreck. I held in my tears, cried them at home, and applied mascara when I heard the police were coming. Why is it that we try to hide the obvious dreadful things in life with little cover-ups to prove to our already knowing selves that all is well? Somehow when I took my mind of the slow sliding of our car and the exploding noise of the mini-van barely missing my door and barreling into the passenger side backseat door by applying mascara, it made me feel like everything was ok. I can apply mascara; I’m ok. Weird.
Somehow when I’m in a situation (i. e. a car wreck) like this, my mind and body instantly switches into action mode. What can I do to help? How can I help out? When I’m left alone with nothing to do I go over the event in my head and I start breaking down; the shock jars me then. I think my body tells me, “Ellie, you’re okay. Don’t think about it now, or you’re a goner. People need help right now; you need to focus on them. You can let it sink in later.” And I obey that voice. Somehow I’m able to focus through a situation like that. If I can do something to help, I want to help. When there was nothing to do but stand in the cold flurry of snow, I picked up the pieces of the two cars that had busted off during the crash; a hubcap; orange reflector; grayish-purple plastic from the mini van; metallic dark green from our car. I needed something to do.
It’s a strange thing when you think about it. There could have been so many more things that went wrong that could have injured both Kate and I so much worse. If Kate hadn’t done whatever she did, the car probably wouldn’t have hit the back seat, but my door. I would have been hurt a lot worse. If we would have been hit head on who knows! But I’m not going to dwell on something like that.
I’m alive. Kate’s alive. We got whiplash. We’re okay. We’re going to live. Merry Christmas.

Friday, December 14, 2007

Holiday Upgrade

Yeehaw! Check out the new colors! I've also added new videos to my "youtube" video clip thing, and added a section about my favorite Christmassy things. Please take a look. I was feeling like the blog was becoming a little... blah. So I've made everything more exciting, even my text! :D

I hope everyone is enjoying their Christmas break! May it be the best of the best! ;)

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Ice Creatures

These photos are part of a series I took on Thanksgiving Day. I've titled them "Ice Creatures" because... uhh, because I thought the name was cool. :D

What is it that you value most? Why?

I found myself asking myself these questions a lot lately. Wondering, pondering over my priorities. What is my top priority at this moment? Well, If I were to honestly put down (in descending order) my top priorities, I think they would be pretty screwed up. Therefore, I think it's time I set them straight. Although, it's harder to do then say. For example, it's very easy for the first two:

  1. God
  2. Family

But after that... I don't know. What should be next? School? Friends? I don't know. Although, I do think that if I focus on putting God at the top, everything else will kind of fall into place, so to speak.

Kate and Phil have finally come home to the United States!! They are (at the moment) up in Portland, but they will be coming down on the 15th and staying until the 22nd with us! I'm SO excited to see them! It's going to be a blast! You can tell I'm excited, I have an exclamation mark at the end of every sentence. :D Hee hee...

I'm going to leave this as it is, and get back to school (one of my top priorities... I think).