This blog has no right being titled that, but no other title comes to mind so it will stay so.
Everyone from school is in Europe right now; the whole choir, that is. I would be lying if I said I wasn't a tad bit jealous and sad that I wasn't there with them. But God has everything planned out perfectly and perhaps it wasn't good timing for me to go. Or maybe not. Maybe it's just how things worked out and I'll live with it, and it'll be just fine. Seems like that's how most decisions go. Unless they are truly "bad" (which is hard to know) taking one road over another is a matter of your choice. Sure, things might have been different if you took the other road, but better? Who's to say? And why think about it anyway? You've already made the choice, so stick by your guns and make the most of the road you decided to traverse. Take a dirt bike down it. Pick wild-flowers along the way. Stop by the waterfall behind the tree-line. You chose the path, now walk it like you mean it.
So now that I've chose my path my days shall be filled with work paperwork. Because I'm working up at Crater Lake this summer for dispatch, there are several in depth back ground check papers to fill out; not to mention a drug test to take and fingerprinting to prove I'm not a criminal. (ha!) If we're being honest, I'm nervous about the job. Part of that might be because I don't know what to expect. Most of that might be that I don't know what to expect, actually...
The days have been warm and breezy. Spring time always smells like warming earth here in Chiloquin. I'm not sure why here instead of, oh, Portland, but it's not the same smell. Can't wait for the flowers to come out and the grass to dim a few shades of green. That generally means watermelon, swimming and Frisbee games, three of my favorite summer activities.
Well, I suppose it's time for me to smooth out my wrinkled To-Do list and check off a few things. First off, call the police station and schedule finger printing. Hm... Phone number for County Sheriff's office... 911
Isn't that ALWAYs how you're supposed to contact the police?
We shall see, shant we?